Scoliosis Care

As the only practice in the North Bay specializing in comprehensive Chiropractic BioPhysics care, we're dedicated to providing you with a unique and personalized approach to addressing scoliosis. We take the time to understand your needs and create a fully customized and coordinated care plan, designed to bring you the best results. Our approach includes custom postural exercises, personalized postural adjustments, and a customized traction plan. These elements work together seamlessly to not only enhance your posture but also alleviate symptoms associated with scoliosis.

Scoliosis typically begins as a minor bend in the spine that gradually progresses over time. Common symptoms include widespread pain throughout the spine, but a child might also complain about pain when exercising. Children are often checked by a PE teacher, so if your child’s school suggests that you make an appointment with a physician, it’s important to take it seriously. 

If the spine curves more than ten degrees to the right or left when a patient is facing the examiner, a diagnosis of scoliosis is made. Once the spine has advanced to more extreme stages of scoliosis, there can be severe health consequences. The good news is that CBP treatment can actually improve scoliosis. If a bending of the spine is discovered early on, and chiropractic care from Peak Performance & Posture is received, it can be prevented from advancing to a debilitating state.

Dr. Beau looking at back x-rays

Why do people get Scoliosis?

Common Causes of Scoliosis

It might start as the simple misalignment of a single vertebrae, but over time the body will begin to compensate, building musculature that will continue to pull the spine into lateral curves in order to ensure that the head remains level. Children who are inactive or exhibit postural issues are at higher risk of developing or exacerbating the disease, although the origin could be the result of some kind of trauma.

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Postural issues

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Traumatic accidents

Although development of the disease is often aligned with the onset of puberty (during rapid spurts of growth), older patients suffering from degenerative disorders (osteoporosis) can also develop Scoliosis. It’s also important to note that people are not born with Scoliosis, but there is a genetic factor. Curvature of the spine happens with estrogen-related diseases that are carried by females, so Scoliosis occurs more often in female patients.

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Genetic factors

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Degenerative diseases (osteoporosis)

 How we help

Treatment for Scoliosis


Movement is the best medicine for Scoliosis. Although it can be painful, movement and exercise will help rebalance muscles.


Our targeted chiropractic adjustments work to realign the spine, easing discomfort and improving posture for those with scoliosis.


We use a gentle, sustained pulling method to help straighten the spine and improve scoliosis, all without the need for surgery

Back Brace

For more severe cases of Scoliosis, a back brace may be necessary to realign the curved spine.

How can adjustments and lifestyle changes help?

Benefits of Chiropractic

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Align the Spine

The greatest benefit of chiropractic treatment is realigning the spine to its natural position.

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Reduce Pain

After rehabilitation and treatment is complete, the patient should be able to live a pain-free life.

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Enhance Quality of Life

Scoliosis can hold patients back from doing the things they enjoy. With proper care you can get back to your life.