Mid-Back Pain Care

The middle back is the region of the back between the ribcage and the base of the neck. It houses the thoracic spine, the largest portion of the spine and the only part that’s attached to the ribcage. The middle back is vital, but also sees a tremendous amount of use. Because of its size and the amount of stress we tend to put on it every day, there are many ways that we can hurt our middle backs and just as many ways to experience pain after injury. At Peak Performance & Posture, we can treat your mid-back pain, relieve your tension, and help you enjoy life again.

Dr. Beau helping a woman with her back

Why do I have mid-back pain?

Common Causes of Mid-Back Pain

Understanding what caused the pain will help you and your doctor know how to treat it. This can also help you avoid a similar action, or put a plan together to strengthen, stretch or enhance that part of the body to prohibit a reoccurrence.

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Pulling something heavy off of a shelf

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Twisting when grabbing items

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Prolonged sitting (road trips or even a desk job)

 How we help

Alleviating Mid-Back Pain


Our chiropractic adjustments focus on the thoracic spine, correcting misalignments that cause mid-back pain and enhancing overall spinal health.


Traction therapy gently stretches the mid-back area, easing the tension and compression that contribute to pain and discomfort.

Stretches & Exercise

We design personalized stretches and exercises to target the muscles around your mid-back, improving flexibility and reducing pain through enhanced muscular support.

How can adjustments and lifestyle changes help?

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

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Pain Relief

Patients can experience immediate and long-term relief from pain and discomfort with chiropractic care and by making small lifestyle changes.

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Reduce Tension

An immediate decrease in pain through adjustment or massage helps reduce inflammation and tension so the body has an opportunity to heal.

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Enhance Quality of Life

Sudden, sporadic or chronic middle back pain can keep us from living our best lives. The right treatment can get you back to your natural, healthy state.